Statement of Faith
We believe in the Divine inspiration of the Scriptures. (2 Timothy 3:16)
We believe in the everlasting Godhead – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19; 1 John 5:7)
We believe in the creation, the fall of man, and his total inability to be righteous without God. (Romans 5:17)
We believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior; that He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin. (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:18)
We believe that Jesus died for our sins; that He was buried, rose again on the third day, and appeared unto His disciples. (Romans 4:25)
We believe in the ascension of Christ, and in His bodily return for His church, the Rapture. (1 Thessalonians 4:13-17)
We believe in the salvation of sinners by grace through faith, to obtain forgiveness of sins. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
We believe in water baptism, by immersion in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, sealed in Jesus’ name. (Matthew 28:19)
We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in other tongues, as the Spirit gives inspiration. (Acts 2:4)
We believe in the operation of the gifts and ministries of the Spirit. (1 Corinthians 12:4-7)
We believe in Spirit-filled living – a life filled with faith and holiness, in reverence to God Almighty – which is expressed in Christian living. (Ephesians 5:18)
We believe in Divine healing, and deliverance in the name of Jesus. (Mark 16:17-18; Acts 4:30)
We believe in the existence of the devil, and the eternal judgment of him and his angels in the lake of fire. (Revelation 20:14-15)
We believe in the eternal life of the believer. (John 3:16)
We believe that there is eternal separation from God for the unbeliever. (Revelation 20:15)
We believe in holy matrimony, that God instituted matrimony between one man and one woman. These two distinct complimentary genders together reflect the image and nature of God. (Genesis 2:24; Genesis 1:26-27)
We believe we are spirit beings, we have a soul, and we live in a body. (1 Thessalonians 5:23)
We believe that the Scriptures are the final authority for all matters of our faith and conduct. (2 Corinthians 1:20)
We believe that God has called and equipped us to function as the overseers of the body of Christ – the church upon the earth. (2 Corinthians 12:12-14)
We believe that He equips us and trains us through His Word to grow up into the image of Christ. (Romans 8:29)
We believe that we are to have the God-kind of faith, based upon the promises of God. (Mark 11:22)
We believe that the Christian mission is to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength through the Word; and then to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. (Matthew 22:36-40)